Eldon’s Case Study


Inital Exam

Chief Complaints

Underbite, Lower Crowding


CL 3 R/L, anterior crossbite, underbite, narrow upper arch

Treatment Options

Comprehensive treatment with U-Clear and L-SS brkts, R/L CS2000 springs for CLIII bite, bonded/clear retainers and the larger Damon night retainer to maintain jaw position

Torque Selection

  • Upper 2-2 Low Torque
  • Upper 3s Regular Torque
  • Lower 2-2 Low Torque
  • Lower 3s High Torque

Month 1

Wire Progression

Upper: .014 CuNiTi (Round)
Lower: .014 CuNiTi (Round)


Teeth: Add Tooth at UR7, UL6 (Crown); Remove Tooth at U/L L/R 8’s (Adult)


Brackets: Add Metal LT 7-7; Update Regular Torque Metal Bracket at U/L 3-3; Update Low Torque Clear Bracket at U 2-2


Month 3

Wire Progression

Upper: .018 CuNiTi (Round)
Lower: .018 CuNiTi (Round)


Teeth: Add Tooth at UR6, LL7 (Crown)



Bonded bands to UL6, UR6, UR7, and LL7

Month 4

Wire Progression

Upper: 16×25 CuNiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 CuNiTi (Rectangular)

Steel Ties: Add Steel Tie at U/L 3-3 (Braided)



Month 4

Wire Progression

Upper: 16×25 CuNiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 CuNiTi (Rectangular)



Trimmed end of UR and LL AWs AB

Month 5

Wire Progression

Upper: 18×25 CuNiTi (Rectangular)

Lower: 18×25 CuNiTi (Rectangular)

  • Repos UR1, LL3, LR2, UL4.
    NA Adj place final AWs and place CS 2000 springs

Month 6

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)


Bracket Hooks: Add Bracket Hook at UR3,UL3, LR3, LL3

Tie-Backs: Add Tie-Back at 6-3,11-14,27-30,22-19 (Long)

  • Place CS2000 springs 10mm class III correction
  • NA: check bite only

Month 9

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)


  • Placed sling back UL7-UL hook and Lowers BS. placed hook distal to CS200 spring on lowers. Moved L hooks distal to L2’s

Month 10

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

  • Dr.Frost looked today and loves how it looks. He said he wants to over correct before we take springs out, PT is great with that! everyone is happy!

Month 11

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)


Month 13

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Brackets: Reposition MolarTube Bracket at LL6,LR6

Buttons: Add Button at UL7 (Lingual, Clear)

Elastic Bands: Update Ram at LR3-UR6,LL3-UL6 (Fulltime); Add Ram at LingButton(27)-LL7-LL6 (Fulltime); Add Moose at LR3-UR6,LL3-UL6 (Fulltime)

X-rays: CBCT scan


Month 14

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

Brackets: Reposition High Torque Metal Bracket at LL3; Reposition MolarTube Bracket at LL7

C-Chains: Add C-Chain at LR6-LL6-LR6 (Closed, Over)

Steel Ties: Remove Steel Tie at (Braided, Over)

  • Removed band on LL7 and bonded a LL6 bracket to tooth. LL7 is out too far and needs to be torqued in. also repo’d LL3

Month 15

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

Brackets: Reposition Regular Torque Metal Bracket at LR2,LL2; Reposition MolarTube Bracket at LR6

Bracket Hooks: Add Bracket Hook at LL4

Elastic Bands: Remove All Elastic Band; Add 6-4-3 Moose (Fulltime, Left)

C-Chains: Update C-Chain at UR3-UL3-UR3 (Open, Under)

IPRs: Add IPR at UR2-UR1,UL1-UL2,UL2-UL3,UR3-UR2,UL1-UR1 (Both, 0.1mm)

  • removed bite turbos.
    N/V: ck debond
    N/V: debond if everything looks good!
  • LR6 is a snap link
    Dr Frost adjusted bite with at diamond flame burr

Month 15

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Bends: Add Bend at LL4 (Lower, ExtrusionStep)

Elastic Bands: Remove All Elastic Band; Add Ram at LL3-UL7,LR3-UR6 (Nighttime); Add Ram at UL3-LL3-LL7-UL7,LR3-UR3-UR7-LR7 (Fulltime)

C-Chains: Add C-Chain at LL6-LR6-LL6 (Closed, Over)


Month 16

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Elastic Bands: Remove Ram at LL3-UL7,LR3-UR6

C-Chains: Remove C-Chain at LL6-LR6-LL6 (Closed, Over); Remove C-Chain at UR3-UL3-UR3 (Open, Under)

Steel Ties: Add Steel Tie at UR3-UL3,LR3-LL3 (Braided, Over)


  • Dr explained to put that everything is exactly where he wants it to be except one tooth the upper right 6 which is a crown. Explained that the way the arches work the upper should be slightly broader than the lower keeping the cheeks away while we chew, etc. The pt’s Upper right 6 crown does not stick out farther than the lower (crossbite , which is where pt started.) pt understood and was ok with this. Dr explained that if he ever got his crown replaced they could make it that way.

Month 16

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Bends: Add Bend at UL2 (Upper, MesialIn)


Month 16

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