- Initial Exam
- Initial Setup
- Visit 1
- Visit 2
- Visit 3
- Visit 4
- Visit 5
- Visit 6
- Visit 7
- Visit 8
- Visit 9
- Visit 10
- Visit 11
- Visit 12
- Final
Inital Exam
Chief Complaints
- “I have lost my upper face.”
- Upper lip has collapsed due to 4 bi extraction 25 years ago
- Lack of upper lip support makes nose appear to be larger
- Lack of upper lip support due to 4 bi extraction from prior orthodontic treatment (25 years ago)
- Collapsed posterior arches
- Root resorption & bone loss from prior treatment
Treatment Options
- Surgical option- 2 jaw surgery to restore upper/mid face support
- Open extracted bicuspid space and place implants
- Open extracted bicuspid space and use TADs to close molars forward, protecting the upper lip. (Mindy chose this option.)
Torque Selection
- Upper 3’s High Torque
- Upper 2-2 Low Torque
- Upper 4-6 Regular Torque
- Lower 2-2 Low Torque
- Lower 3-5 Regular Torque

Month 1

Wire Progression
Upper: .014 Cu NiTi (Round)
Lower: .014 Cu NiTi (Round)
Brackets: Update Regular Torque Metal Bracket at LL3, LL4, LL5, LR5, LR3, LR4; Add Clear 2 LT 7-7
Bite Turbos: Add Bite Turbo at LR7, LL7
Bonded TT’s U/L 3-3
Month 3

Wire Progression
Upper: 14×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 14×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Bracket Hooks: Add Bracket Hook at UL3, UR3, LL3, LR4, LR5, LL4
Elastic Bands: Add Parrot at UR3-LR4-LR5, UL3-LL3-LL4 (Fulltime)
Month 6

Wire Progression
Upper: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Wire Hooks: Add Wire Hook at UR1-UL1
Elastic Bands: Remove Parrot at UR3-LR4-LR5, UL3-LL3-LL4
Steel Ties: Add Steel Tie at UL3-UR3 (Figureeight, Under); Add Steel Tie at LR3-LL3 (Figureeight, Over)
Dr.Frost said he would love the 8’s to come out sooner then later – Talked to mom about that and she said we already refured her to Dr.Boyse and she will get her in this summer.
Month 8
Wire Progression
Upper: 14×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Brackets: Reposition Low Torque Clear Bracket at UR2; Reposition MolarTube Bracket at UR6; Reposition Regular Torque Metal Bracket at UR5, UL5, LL3; Reposition Low Torque Metal Bracket at LR2
Month 9

Wire Progression
Upper: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Month 10

Wire Progression
Upper: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Elastic Bands: Remove Moose at LR4-AWHook(UR1-UL1)-LL3-AWHook(UR1-UL1) (Fulltime)
Month 12

Wire Progression
Upper: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Bracket Hooks: Add Bracket Hook at UR4, UR1, UL1, UL4, LL5, LR3
Elastic Bands: Add Moose at UR4-LR4-LR5, UL4-LL5-LL4 (Fulltime); Add Triangle (Moose) (Fulltime, Both)
Month 13

Wire Progression
Upper: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Bends: Add Bend at UR3-UR2 (Upper, ExtrusionStep); Add Bend at UL2 (Upper, IntrusionStep)
Bite Turbos: Remove Bite Turbo at LL7, LR7
Month 14
Wire Progression
Upper: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Bends: Add Bend at UR4, UL1, UL4 (Upper, ExtrusionStep); Add Bend at UL2 (Upper, MesialIn)
Month 15

Wire Progression
Upper: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Didnt adj. PT past due on payments. Cont elastics.
Month 18

Wire Progression
Upper: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Update SnapLink Bracket at UR6
Month 21

Wire Progression
Upper: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)
Bends: Add Bend at UR2 (Upper, BuccalStep); Add Bend at UL2 (Upper, DistalCrownTip); Add Bend at UL2 (Upper, MesialCrownTip); Remove Mesial Crown Tip Bend [UL2]
Plan:N/V: ck debond, Take L perm imp. remind Dr Frost Debond is Non-Doc
NN/V: Non-Doc Debond
NNN/V: smooth and polish, Deliver clears (pt leaves Aug 24th 2018 for NAU)
Case Summary
Notice the increase in arch width and the beautiful smile arc. With the increase in arch width, notice that you don’t see as much gum tissue in the posterior!
The day I took her braces off, I handed her a mirror and invited her to look at her new smile. With tears in her eyes, she told me that she “got her smile back”. This is truly why we do what we do. We are here to change peoples’ lives and impact them for the better!