Nicole’s Case Study


Inital Exam

Chief Complaints

Left side cant

Gummy Smile


Class II right, class I left, Missing upper right 4, left side cant

Treatment Plan

Comprehensive with upper clear and lower SS.
3 TAD’s (2 left and 1 right)
Pt. Is missing UR4 – space will be opened to correct facial midline shift, then re-close the space using a TAD (pt doesn’t want the expense or experience of an implant),
Elastics to close L-bite as we correct the cant.

Torque Selection


All regular torque on the uppers


Regular Torque 2-2
High Torque L/R 3-5
Regular Torque L/R 6-7



.014 CN


.014 CN

Month 1

Wire Progression

Upper: .014 Cu NiTi (Round)

Lower: .014 Cu NiTi (Round)

Brackets: Metal RT 7-7; Regular Torque Clear Bracket U 3-3

Bite Turbos: Add Bite Turbo at 19,30

*Remove Tooth at [U R/L] [L R/L] 8’s (Adult); Remove Tooth at UR4 (Adult)


Cant to the left, 7-10mm
R jaw joint missing
2 TAD’s U-L, I TAD U-R
Pt missing UR4 – space will be opened to correct facial midline shift, then re-close the space using a TAD
2-4 Botox Injections to improve gummy smile once cant is corrected



At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 2

Wire Progression

Upper: 14×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 14×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

Brackets: Remove Regular Torque Metal Bracket at UR5

Springs: Add Spring at UR6 – UR3 (Open)

Steel Ties: Add Steel Tie at L L/R 3-3 (Braided); Add Steel Tie at U L/R 3-3 (Figureeight)


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 3

Wire Progression

Upper: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 3

Wire Progression

Upper: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 14×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)


Pt came in with LR7 bkt off. Dr. rebonded bkn bkt. I placed new LAW through LR7, old aw was too short.


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 3

Wire Progression

Upper: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 14×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

Brackets: Rebond MolarTube Bracket at LR7


Build up on Bite turbos due to pt biting on LR7


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 4

Wire Progression

Upper: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 14×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)


U AW broke at UL3. Replace with new U18x25 Cu NiTi


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 4

Wire Progression

Upper: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 14×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 5

Wire Progression

Upper: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 14×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

Brackets: Reposition Regular Torque Clear Bracket at UL1; Reposition Regular Torque Metal Bracket at LL1


Repoed UL1 and LL1. same aw’s. Dr. likes pts progress


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 6

Wire Progression

Upper: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 14×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)


L AW broke between LL7 LL6. Replace with new 14×25 Cu NiTi


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 7

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

Brackets: Rebond MolarTube Bracket at LR7

Steel Ties: Remove Steel Tie at U R/L 3-3 (Figureeight)


L AW broke between LL7 LL6. Replace with new 14×25 Cu NiTi


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 8

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

TADs: Add TAD at UL 2-3,UL 4-5 (Buccal)


Used lidocaine topical to place a TAD medial to UL3 and medial to UL6
hooked up 150g 10mm vector springs to intrude upper arch

replace LAW
activated OCS on UR side from UR3-UR6


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 10

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Springs: Replace Spring at UR3-UR6 (Open)


Switched out vector springs to 5mm 250mg on UL side.  Took progress photos


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 11

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

Springs: Changed Spring at UR6-UR3 (Open)


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 12

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

Bracket Hooks: Add Bracket Hook at LL4, UL3

Elastic Bands: Add Moose at UL6-LL4-UL3-LL4 (Fulltime)


Removed springs, wire tie to TAD. start elastics today to help L side occlude. next visit we will bond UR4 and start closing space. midlines are on.


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 13

Wire Progression

Upper: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

Brackets: Rebond MolarTube Bracket at LR7; Update Regular Torque Metal Bracket at UR5

Springs: Remove Spring at UR6-UR3 (Open)


N/V: Non-Doc 30. Remove UAW and Replace with Pt’s 19×25 SS. (AW in Jess’s chair). Tie both UL TAD’s back to UAW. Resume Elastic Wear.
NN/V: Adj Com 45. Add additional TAD. Check midline and elastic wear.
**NOTE** With the numbing gel, Use LESS amount of time than regularly allotted, Pt has reaction to gel, and last time it was used for the full amount of time, her skin sloughed off were the gel was, painful.


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 13

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

Wire Hooks: Add Wire Hook at UL2-UL3, UL5-UL6

Steel Ties: Add Steel Tie at TAD-AWHook(LL 2-3), AWHook(LR 1-2)-TAD (Braided)


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 15

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 17×25 RC (Rectangular)

Brackets: Remove MolarTube Bracket at LR7

Bracket Hooks: Add Bracket Hook at UR3

Wire Hooks: Add Wire Hook at UR4-UR3; Remove Wire Hook at UL2-UL3, UL5-UL6, UR4-UR3

Elastic Bands: Update Moose at UL6-LL4-UL3-LL4 (Nighttime)

C-Chains: Add C-Chain at UR6-UR3-UR6 (Closed, Over)

Steel Ties: Add Steel Tie at UL3-TAD, UL5-TAD, UR3-UL6 (Braided, Over); Remove Steel Tie at TAD-AWHook(LL 2-3), AWHook(LR 1-2)-TAD (Braided)


Most of space closed up on its own on UR side. dr checked midline and it is spot on. dr does not want to place TAD anymore. cut wire UR side not going to the 7 and placed slingback from end of wire up to post back to end of wire on UR side. wire tied from UR3-UL6 per dr. we will see pt back in 4 weeks to check spacing of UR side. took photos today


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 15

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 17×25 RC (Rectangular)

C-Chains: Replace C-Chain at UR6-UR3-UR6 (Closed, Over)


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 16

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)


Widened upper AW and retied tads. dr wants to leave tads in for this apt to help finish bringing together bite bit NA pt is ready to rmove tads, pt is to continue with 6-4-3 elastics.


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 16

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)


Pt came in with wire broken on U, removed rest of remaining wire and replaced. wire tie tads to wire


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 17

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Bracket Hooks: Add Bracket Hook at LL3

Elastic Bands: Remove Moose at UL3-UL6-LL4-LL4 ; Add Moose at UR3-LL3 (Fulltime)

Steel Ties: Remove All Steel Tie

TADs: Remove All TAD


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 18

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Bends: Add Bend at UL1 (Upper, MesialIn); Add Bend at LL2-LR2 (Lower, IntrusionStep)

Bracket Hooks: Add Bracket Hook at LR3

Elastic Bands: Add Box (Moose) (Fulltime, Both)

C-Chains: Remove C-Chain at UR6-UR3 (Closed, Over)


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 19

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Bends: Remove Mesial Out Bend [UL1]; Add Bend at UL1 (Upper, MesialOut); Add Bend at UL3 (Upper, ExtrusionStep)


Replaced sling U3-3. Dr wants for one more apt. Took updated photos


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 20

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 18×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

Brackets: Add MolarTube Bracket at LR7

Bends: Remove Intrusion Step Bend [LL2-LR2]; Add Bend at UR1 (Upper, MesialOut)

Elastic Bands: Remove Box (Fulltime, Both)

C-Chains: Add C-Chain at UR3-UL3 (Closed, Under)

Bite Turbos: Remove Bite Turbo at LL6,LR6; Add Bite Turbo at LR7


Bite was not settling Dr contoured UR side of occlusal surface. rebonded LR7. Place a BT on LR7 to help intrude it and so pt wasnt hitting bracket.
NA we will remove it if pt is not going to hit brkt.


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 21

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)




At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 22

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)

Brackets: Reposition MolarTube Bracket at LR6

Bite Turbos: Remove Bite Turbo at LR7

IPRs: Add IPR at UR2-UR1, UR1-UL1, UL1-UL2 (Both, 0.1mm)


Place snaplink on LR6
Place 18×25 cn to catch that snap link


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 22

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 Cu NiTi (Rectangular)


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 22

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 22

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Bends: Add Bend at UL4 (Upper, ExtrusionStep)


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 23

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Bends: Add Bend at LL2-LR2 (Lower, IntrusionStep)


UAW fractured. Replaced and added the bends back to the new one. Added RC influence to LAW.
Took L imp for perm


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 23

Wire Progression

Debracketing: Debracket

Appliances: Add Lingual Holding Arch Appliance at upper,lower (fulltime), (Bonded), Start day (2017-11-17)

  • upper 3-3 perm
  • Gingevectomy U4-4
  • Used topical gel in designated area for 5 minutes
  • Took CBCT scan and all photos

At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Month 24

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 TMA
Lower: 17×25 TMA


cl ll at night all w/ Moose


At this point, the spaces have been fully closed. Notice the width development in the upper arch.

I’ve switched from a 19×25 Stainless Steel wire on top to a 19×25 TMA, and I’ve switched the lower to a 17×25 TMA as well. This will allow me to spend a few months making minor finishing adjustments.

I also wire tied upper and lower 7-7 to make sure the space doesn’t come back.

Case Summary

Notice the increase in arch width and the beautiful smile arc. With the increase in arch width, notice that you don’t see as much gum tissue in the posterior!

The day I took her braces off, I handed her a mirror and invited her to look at her new smile. With tears in her eyes, she told me that she “got her smile back”. This is truly why we do what we do. We are here to change peoples’ lives and impact them for the better!

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