Inital Exam
Chief Complaints
- 3rd year dental student- We need to finish before she graduates.
- She doesn’t like her flared teeth.
- She is Bi-Maxillary Protrusive
- Slight lip strain at rest
- Upper lip protrudes out past lower lip
- Asymmetric gingival display.
- Triangle-shaped incisors
- Oversized lower lateral incisors
- Wants treatment without extractions
Treatment Plan
- Treat non-extraction
- Use variable torque brackets to de-torque anteriors and create a beautiful incisor position
- Eliminate crowding by creating arch width and reshaping incisors.
Initial Setup
Torque Selection
Bracket Positioning
- High torque on the 3’s- (they are slightly dumped in.)
- Super Low torque on the upper 2-2
- These are high torque brackets flipped upside down.
- Low torque 2-2
- Low torque LL3
- High torque LR3
Month 11
Wire Progression
Upper: 19×25 SS
Lower: 17×25 PT
8th visit- Slenderized U/L 3-3, Added 15 degrees of lingual torque to upper wire. Added powerchain under the wire U/L 6-6.
Month 14
Wire Progression
Upper: 19×25 SS
Lower: 17×25 TMA
- 11th visit- Slenderized U/L 3-3 (again), Added 5 degrees of lingual torque to upper wire.