Kaitlyn’s Case Study

Video Coming Soon

Inital Exam

Chief Complaints

Alignment, Cosmetic, Left Jaw Pain


Class 1 R/L, TMJ Botox injections recommended

Treatment Plan

Comprehensive treatment with U-Clear, L-SS brkts

Month 1

Wire Progression

Upper: .014  CuNiTi (Round)
Lower: .014 CuNiTi (Round)

  • Went over brushing, flossing, and food list w/pt. NA: adj simple 10-12wks CM

Month 3

Wire Progression

Upper: .018  CuNiTi (Round)
Lower: .018 CuNiTi (Round)


Month 5

Wire Progression

Upper: 16×25 CuNiTi (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 CuNiTi (Rectangular)


Month 7

Wire Progression

Upper: 16×25  CuNiTi
Lower: 16×25 CuNiTi

  • REPO UL1, LR2, LR4

Month 9

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular) ; Add Bracket Hooks at U3’s
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular) ; Add Bracket Hooks at L3’s

Elastic Bands: Add Box L/R-Moose (Fulltime)


Month 10

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Elastic Bands: Remove All Elastic Band ; Add Moose at UR3-LR6 (Fulltime)

Add C-Chain at UL6-UR6-UL6,LR6-LL6-LR6-LL6-LR6 (Open, Over)


Month 11

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular) ; Add Bracket Hooks at LL4,LR4

Elastic Bands : Add Moose at UL6-LL4-UL3-LL4,UR6-LR4-UR3-LR4 (Fulltime) ; Update Moose at UR3-LR6 (Nighttime)

Remove C-Chain at LR6-LL6-LR6-LL6-LR6,UL6-UR6-UL6 (Open, Over)


Month 12

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)


Month 13

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Elastic Bands: Remove Moose at UR6-LR4-UR3-LR4,UL6-LL4-UL3-LL4 ; Add Box Moose (Full-time, Left)


Month 15

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Elastic Bands : Add Moose at UL6-LL4-UL3-LL4,UR6-LR4-UR3-LR4 (Fulltime) ; Update Moose at UR3-LR6 (Nighttime)

Remove C-Chain at LR6-LL6-LR6-LL6-LR6,UL6-UR6-UL6 (Open, Over)


Dr. made no adj., we are working on cl II on right.

Month 16

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular) ; Remove Steel Tie at 3-3 (Figureeight, Over)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular) ; Remove Steel Tie at 3-3 (Figureeight, Over) ; Add Bend at LL2-LR2 (Lower, IntrusionStep)

Add C-Chain at UR6-UR6-UL6 (Closed, Under)

Add IPR at UR1-UL1 (Both, 0.1mm)


Month 17

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular) ; Add Steel Tie at UR3-UL3 (Braided, Over) ; Add Bend at UR2 (Upper, MesialOut)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular) ; Add Steel Tie at LL3-LR3 (Braided, Over) ; Remove Extrusion Step Bend [LR2]

Elastic Bands: Remove Moose at UR3-LR6 (Nighttime) ; Add Box (Moose) (Fulltime, Both)

Remove C-Chain at UR6-UR6-UL6 (Closed, Under)


Took lower perm impression.

Month 18

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25 SS (Rectangular) ; Remove Steel Tie at UR3-UL3 (Braided, Over)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)

Add C-Chain at UR6-UR6-UL6 (Closed, Under)


Pt came in for debond. Space in UR2-3 had not changed so I did not feel comfortable debonding and dad/mom had explained they saw the space too and agreed to wait until pt saw Dr. may need to adj bite for space to close.

Month 18

Wire Progression

Upper: 19×25  SS (Rectangular)
Lower: 16×25 SS (Rectangular)


Kept wires in place and cont RBs

L perm imp was already taken

Month 19

Wire Progression

Month 20

Wire Progression

Case Summary

Notice the increase in arch width and the beautiful smile arc. With the increase in arch width, notice that you don’t see as much gum tissue in the posterior!

The day I took her braces off, I handed her a mirror and invited her to look at her new smile. With tears in her eyes, she told me that she “got her smile back”. This is truly why we do what we do. We are here to change peoples’ lives and impact them for the better!

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